Hot Blast Stove
- Repair of stove using innovative monolithic refractory designs.
- Installation of large panels in the combustion chamber, checker chambers, dome and hot blast outlets.
- AMTS have a patented dome design that alleviates stress build-up in the combustion and checker chamber.
Blast Furnace Hearth and Taphole System Design
- Extensive experience in hearth design including bottom, sidewalls and tapholes.
- Integrated solutions will provide safe operation to meet business targets.
- AMTS provides modelling, design options and material specifications.
- AMTS has unique trough system designs.
- Modelling is done using variety of materials and different design layouts to provides long campaigns and optimum hot metal and slag separation.
- Cost reduction based on safe operation, higher yields is always the objective.
Salamander Tap
- Prepare engineering drawings and calculations for executing a successful salamander tap, including position and estimated tapping tonnage.
- Provide support during the execution of the salamander tapping activities.