Technical Solutions

Hearth Protective Linings

  • Use of monolithic castable and shotcrete products to reprofile hearth areas.
  • Provide technical assistance and QA/QC for the installation of castable and shotcrete products.

Taphole Core

  • Inspection of the hearth taphole core to identify premature wear in the taphole areas.
  • Provide technical assistance and field supervision in the replacement of the taphole core.

Trough/Taphole Interface

  • Based on specific customer casthouse trough/runner performance requirements, AMTS can provide engineering and refractory product recommendations.
  • Redesign could include the addition of trough cooling.
  • Trough refractory zoning to address different wear mechanisms will result in increased trough tonnage performance.
  • In addition, the inclusion of our proven safety lining design provides an additional layer of protection.

Bosh and Stack Shotcrete

  • AMTS can assist in the selection of proper materials to be installed in the bosh and stack.
  • Provide technical assistance before and during the refractory installation to the blast furnace bosh and stack.

Stove Monolithic Design

  • AMTS can provide technical assistance in the material selection proces for the different areas of the stove.
  • AMTS has expertise in monolithic refractory designs for hot blast stove repairs, which includes our patented dome design.